Business experience matters – in fact, it’s mission critical.

Have you ever walked into a store, discussed a product with a particularly rude shop assistant, and then walked out without purchasing the product purely because of the bad experience? What stopped you from making the purchase? Was it because the item was poor quality or because the service was poor quality?

In today’s hyper-competitive, hyper-connected global marketplace, the key to success is no longer high quality product. While this is a great starting point, competition is fierce and business experience is the most important competitive advantage.

It’s time to reprogram your company’s DNA and put your customers and employees first. Why? Because how your customers and employees experience your brand is critical. When customers enjoy doing business with you, and this experience is shared by your employees, you have an incredibly powerful formula for success.

Steve Jobs once said, “you’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology – not the other way around”.